Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cub scout in the house!

We have a new cub scout in our house. I have tried for the past 2 years to get Joshua interested in Cub Scouts. Today he came home from school and was so excited. There was a cub scout leader at school today who talked to the boys. He was so excited and wanted to go sign up tonight. So off we went. There were two packs to pick from. We picked the pack with the leader who got Joshua so excited. Lucky for us, Joshua's best friend Matt was also there and signed up for the same pack (can we say carpooling?).

His pack leader seems so passionate about what he does. He gets the boys out and about nature. He will teach them science activities also. He seems very committed. I'm so thrilled to finally get Joshua involved in something. Our first meeting in in a couple of weeks and then we begin our popcorn selling fundraiser. Anyone need any popcorn?

Joining cub scouts was a controversial thing in our house. Gary grew up being told that scouting was against his religion. I grew up knowing how fabulous it can be. How can teaching boys respect and confidence and appreciation for the world around them be a bad thing? Gary is still a little iffy about the entire situation. I hope he comes around and sees that this is a good thing.

Stay posted for pictures and stories from our new Cub Scout experiences.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Cookie night!

I brought home some left over cookies after a meeting at work tonight. Note to self, don't give a 17 month old a sugar cookie 1/2 hour before bed! It hyped him up!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Disney World, here we come!!

We'll be back in a week. Pray for no rain as the long term forecast says thunderstorms every day we are there. Please no!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Picture time!

A few pics for your enjoyment. Joshua got to meet the "Real" batman at the children's museum on Saturday, thanks to Indymoms.com

Zachary cheesing it up for the camera at the museum (that's part of a muffin in his mouth!)

Zachary's escapade with the Diet Sunkist can.

More Joshuaisms. . .

In the car today, Joshua is explaining how when two rubber things rub together the sound hurts his ears. "It gives me chicken pox mom!" (He meant goose bumps)! How funny.