Last night, on the eve of our 10th wedding anniversary, Gary and I had the rare experience of dinner and a movie, without the kids. My sister agreed to watch the boys so we could go out. We went out last night, because, I work every Fri and Sat, no matter if it's my anniversary or not.
So we had a nice dinner at O'Charley's. Gotta love those rolls!

Then we headed off to see a movie. I had told Gary I really wanted to see Fireproof. I knew full well it was about a couple who's marriage was falling apart and how they worked to get things fixed within themselves and their marriage. Gary had heard it was about a firefighter who neglected his family. He didn't know what I knew, and I didn't let on.

Watching the movie play out was like watching my life on a big screen. I cried throughout the entire movie and wondered how I would fix things in my own life. The movie spoke alot about a book called the Love Dare. It is a 40 day devotional that helps a husband and wife work to make things right within themselves and within their marriage.

We left the movie, tears rolling out of both of us, and Gary's statement was, "Man that hit home." Um yes! It did. But it also made me realize that I love my husband and I want to work to make our next 10 years even better than the last 10! So, I'm going to the book store tonight to buy The Love Dare. I challenge all you married couples to see the movie and then read the book! I think it should be a prerequisite to getting married! I'll keep you posted on how it works for us!