But I love it. We spent last Saturday in Fort Wayne celebrating Christmas with both the Hess family and my family. It was a crazy busy day, but so much fun. The drive home on the other hand was much less fun. The roads were awful and our normally 2 1/2 hour drive took 5 1/2 hours. But we made it home safe and sound and for that we are eternally grateful!
Baby bean now has a name and it's public knowledge: Noah Andrew. Noah is a name that I have loved since we were pregnant with Joshua and trying to name him. But Gary has always argued with me about it. Andrew is a name that we came up with that we both liked. Gary wanted to name him Andrew Noah but I quickly made him realize that it didn't sound as nice as Noah Andrew! Yeah, I actually got to name one of my kids.
The boys are doing well, very excited for Christmas. Joshua is enjoying Christmas break and playing with all his new presents that he received in Fort Wayne. Zach has destroyed our living room again with the new things he received and I find myself wondering what in the world the house will look like after Friday morning?
My step dad's mother passed away this morning, peacefully in her sleep at 98 years old. She was lovingly referred to by me as the energizer bunny cause she just kept going and going. I'm glad her passing was peaceful and on her terms. Will be heading up to Fort Wayne sometime soon for the funeral.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Little stinker acting up already
Well, this post is a few days late because the computer has been down. But we had a little excitement/scare on Wednesday. Tuesday night I wasn't feeling well, but I chalked it up to GI issues (with my newly rerouted system, things seem to not set well with me often). I tossed and turned all night and Wednesday morning got up and realized that what I was feeling really reminded me of contractions. The pains would stop me in my tracks and take away my breath. I was scared to death (only 19 weeks pregnant), but called the doc, the sitter, the husband and headed to the office.
By the time we arrived the frequently of the pains had really slowed down. The doc examined me and said there were no changes with the cervix, but that it felt short. An ultrasound showed that all was perfect and little man's head was pushing down in a not nice way. They took me off work for 2 days (darn it, needed that holiday pay) and will see me back next week. I've never been so nervous and prayed so hard that my little guy would stay put for at least several more months. All is good now, and he's active as ever. Woke me up at 4:30am today kicking. Crazy!!
By the time we arrived the frequently of the pains had really slowed down. The doc examined me and said there were no changes with the cervix, but that it felt short. An ultrasound showed that all was perfect and little man's head was pushing down in a not nice way. They took me off work for 2 days (darn it, needed that holiday pay) and will see me back next week. I've never been so nervous and prayed so hard that my little guy would stay put for at least several more months. All is good now, and he's active as ever. Woke me up at 4:30am today kicking. Crazy!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
It's a BOY!!
Ultrasound was yesterday and so Gary, Joshua, and I headed to the office. When we got back in the ultrasound room, the questions began rolling out of Joshua. "Just how does that thing create the picture of the baby anyway?" The ultrasound tech was very sweet and explained to Joshua about the sound waves bouncing off the baby and creating a picture. He was fine with that. He quickly made sure that he couldn't wait to know the sex of the baby. She put the ultrasound probe on my belly and Joshua's little brother didn't make him wait any longer for the answer. There, in all his glory, were his little boy parts. Joshua was thrilled, Gary and I just a little shocked. We both really thought that this one was a girl. Not to say that we are not completly thrilled.
We were especially thrilled that all his pieces and parts are in the right places and appear to be formed correctly (remember the nightmares?). He appears healthy and is right on target for his growth. He measured out at 18 weeks 2 days, which is exactly what I was.
Gary, Joshua, and I followed up the appointment with a shopping/registering trip to Babies R Us. We've asked our parents not to buy us gifts, but to buy us the things we still need for the baby. So we registered so that they'd know what those things are. We had a lot of fun looking at all the things that have changed in the past few years. A dinner out to spend more time talking about names (had I mentioned we'd only discussed girl names up to this time?). Still working on the name issue, but will keep you all posted. For now, we are so very thankful for a healthy baby boy.
We were especially thrilled that all his pieces and parts are in the right places and appear to be formed correctly (remember the nightmares?). He appears healthy and is right on target for his growth. He measured out at 18 weeks 2 days, which is exactly what I was.
Gary, Joshua, and I followed up the appointment with a shopping/registering trip to Babies R Us. We've asked our parents not to buy us gifts, but to buy us the things we still need for the baby. So we registered so that they'd know what those things are. We had a lot of fun looking at all the things that have changed in the past few years. A dinner out to spend more time talking about names (had I mentioned we'd only discussed girl names up to this time?). Still working on the name issue, but will keep you all posted. For now, we are so very thankful for a healthy baby boy.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
So ready for my ultrasound
Well, next Tuesday is my "big" ultrasound. The ultrasound where we hopefully find out the sex of the baby and make sure all his/her pieces and parts are in the right place. I am so ready for this ultrasound, I can't even explain it. I have been having dreams, no make those nightmares! I've been having nightmares that there is something seriously wrong with this baby. My nightmares have been so detailed that I can name the multitude of medical issues that I've dreamt afflict this precious peanut. These nightmares are irrational and are making me insane.
I truly believe that it's a combination of the fact that this baby wasn't ever supposed to be able to be created along with the fact that I'm only a year post op weight loss surgery that is founding the fears. I have not gained a single ounce during the first 17 weeks of my pregnancy, infact, I've lost 11 pounds. I think I fear most that this baby will be born too small or that my surgery will negatively impact the health of this baby.
Please pray that my fears are calmed and that we have having a healthy baby, no matter what the sex! Please pray that all is right in my womb, and if for some reason, God has decided to bless us with a baby that does have medical issues, that our hearts will be calmed in the fact that we were chosen for this special baby.
I truly believe that it's a combination of the fact that this baby wasn't ever supposed to be able to be created along with the fact that I'm only a year post op weight loss surgery that is founding the fears. I have not gained a single ounce during the first 17 weeks of my pregnancy, infact, I've lost 11 pounds. I think I fear most that this baby will be born too small or that my surgery will negatively impact the health of this baby.
Please pray that my fears are calmed and that we have having a healthy baby, no matter what the sex! Please pray that all is right in my womb, and if for some reason, God has decided to bless us with a baby that does have medical issues, that our hearts will be calmed in the fact that we were chosen for this special baby.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Lovin life again
Well, everyone is healthy for the moment and life is going good again! Joshua is just finishing his first trimester today and I look forward to his first report card of 4th grade. It's been a rough first few months and seems like we are all finally adjusting to the changes that come along with the older grades. I am taking the boys (along with Joshua's friend Winston and his brother) to Monkey Joe's tomorrow since they have the day off of school. Winston's mom, Abby, has been a lifesaver for us since I started my new job. Joshua goes there after school on the days I work and Abby picks up Sammy (our dog) and takes her to her house during the day so that Sammy doesn't spend all day in the cage. So, I'm taking her boys with me so she can have a free day to do as she pleases.
Baby is doing well as far as we know. My belly is growing, so I guess that's a good sign. We used our (very small) ultrasound machine at work yesterday to get a sneak peak of my upcoming ultrasound and he/she waved at us and ran a foot over the screen for us. Can't wait to get a more detailed look at the little peanut! And to finally find out what we're having. The suspense is killing us all. My friends from obesityhelp.com bought us some baby gifts and that has gotten me even more in the mood to do some serious baby shopping! Hoping it's a girl, cause I sure don't need boy clothes! I won't have anything to shop for if it's a boy.
Baby is doing well as far as we know. My belly is growing, so I guess that's a good sign. We used our (very small) ultrasound machine at work yesterday to get a sneak peak of my upcoming ultrasound and he/she waved at us and ran a foot over the screen for us. Can't wait to get a more detailed look at the little peanut! And to finally find out what we're having. The suspense is killing us all. My friends from obesityhelp.com bought us some baby gifts and that has gotten me even more in the mood to do some serious baby shopping! Hoping it's a girl, cause I sure don't need boy clothes! I won't have anything to shop for if it's a boy.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Ooh, the wows of flu!
So, Friday night into Saturday morning was absolutely awful. I had a headache like I have never had before. I truly was beginning to think that I had a brain tumor or an aneuryism or something horrible. I felt just awful. I almost went to the ER in the middle of the night, but didn't want to be "that patient" that the ER nurses talked about. So I held out. Went to my family doc's office in the morning (thank goodness for Sat am hours). Saw my docs partner and it must have been the look on my face, the tears coming from my eyes, or the fact that I hadn't peed in 12 hours that concerned him. Never mind the fact that my BP was 90/40. He promptly sent me to the ER and said that I was "THE" patient that the flu worried them most about (pregnant).
The ER looked at me and said, "So what exactly did your family doc want us to do?" I explained that he was concerned about the dehydration and thought it was contributing to the headaches. They agreed (reluctantly I believe) to give me a liter of saline. In the mean time, because of my Chiari malformation (brain deformity) they decided they ought to scan my head to make sure my headache was flu related and not something else they were missing. While awaiting my CT, they checked another set of vitals and found my bp to be 83/37. That got their attention. I quickly received a second liter of saline and I think they realized that I felt just as bad as I told them I did.
Head CT was normal (shocker) and the ER doc was prompt to tell me that this headache could hold on for up to 10 days. This is a real bummer since being pregnant and a gastric bypass patient really limits my drug choices. Tylenol only for me. Came home, still feeling like I was dying. Slept off and on yesterday and today and am FINALLY beginning to feel like maybe I'm on the mend. It did take 12 hours after 2L of saline before I peed. I think I was pretty dry!
The ER looked at me and said, "So what exactly did your family doc want us to do?" I explained that he was concerned about the dehydration and thought it was contributing to the headaches. They agreed (reluctantly I believe) to give me a liter of saline. In the mean time, because of my Chiari malformation (brain deformity) they decided they ought to scan my head to make sure my headache was flu related and not something else they were missing. While awaiting my CT, they checked another set of vitals and found my bp to be 83/37. That got their attention. I quickly received a second liter of saline and I think they realized that I felt just as bad as I told them I did.
Head CT was normal (shocker) and the ER doc was prompt to tell me that this headache could hold on for up to 10 days. This is a real bummer since being pregnant and a gastric bypass patient really limits my drug choices. Tylenol only for me. Came home, still feeling like I was dying. Slept off and on yesterday and today and am FINALLY beginning to feel like maybe I'm on the mend. It did take 12 hours after 2L of saline before I peed. I think I was pretty dry!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Gettin' there
At least the boys are. Joshua is fine (except for a little lingering cough here and there), can't tell he's been sick. Zachary has his moments when he acts fine and other times you can see in his eyes that he still feels lousy. He's coughing tons at night, which in turn makes him sleep in later in the morning cause he doesn't rest well at night.
I, on the other hand, seem to be having a rougher time with it. My head is pounding so hard I think it's likely to explode. I've also started in with the nasal congestion now too. Just want to lay down and sleep. Looking forward to Gary being home for the weekend so I can rest and he can watch the boys. He, luckily, has not gotten sick. Hoping and praying that streak of luck continues.
I, on the other hand, seem to be having a rougher time with it. My head is pounding so hard I think it's likely to explode. I've also started in with the nasal congestion now too. Just want to lay down and sleep. Looking forward to Gary being home for the weekend so I can rest and he can watch the boys. He, luckily, has not gotten sick. Hoping and praying that streak of luck continues.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
This is getting expensive
Cost of 3 copays: $60
Cost for 4 rounds of Tamiflu: $151
Cost for 3 rounds of Zithromax: $42
Cancelling a nonrefundable hotel room for our anniversary: $68
Cancelling a nonrefundable comedy club for our anniversary: $40
Grand total: $361 and counting. . .
Wondering if my kids will wake up oinking: Priceless
Actually, I'm beginning to think we all ought to dress up as pigs for Halloween this year. I took Zach and myself to the dr today. Zach was up all night coughing and had a temp of 102 this morning. He also complained of his ears being "ouchy". Turns out, his ears are fine. Probably just a headache. I also made myself an appointment as my chest hurts pretty bad when I breathe and I haven't been coughing that long. My doc isn't messing around (especially since he just experienced it for himself this weekend.) Tamiflu for everyone (Josh and I were already on it) including Daddy who isn't showing symptoms yet. And Zithromax the antibiotic for the 3 of us who are coughing. Dr. Z says that they are seeing a lot of secondary pneumonia/bronchitis. He doesn't want to mess around, especially since I'm carrying a baby.
So lots of money later, and hopefully we will all be on the mend soon.
Cost for 4 rounds of Tamiflu: $151
Cost for 3 rounds of Zithromax: $42
Cancelling a nonrefundable hotel room for our anniversary: $68
Cancelling a nonrefundable comedy club for our anniversary: $40
Grand total: $361 and counting. . .
Wondering if my kids will wake up oinking: Priceless
Actually, I'm beginning to think we all ought to dress up as pigs for Halloween this year. I took Zach and myself to the dr today. Zach was up all night coughing and had a temp of 102 this morning. He also complained of his ears being "ouchy". Turns out, his ears are fine. Probably just a headache. I also made myself an appointment as my chest hurts pretty bad when I breathe and I haven't been coughing that long. My doc isn't messing around (especially since he just experienced it for himself this weekend.) Tamiflu for everyone (Josh and I were already on it) including Daddy who isn't showing symptoms yet. And Zithromax the antibiotic for the 3 of us who are coughing. Dr. Z says that they are seeing a lot of secondary pneumonia/bronchitis. He doesn't want to mess around, especially since I'm carrying a baby.
So lots of money later, and hopefully we will all be on the mend soon.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
It's spreading
So, I was finally able to get my H1N1 vaccine this morning but I think it's a little too late. Zachary and I both woke up coughing this morning and he has since started running a fever. I do not have a fever yet, but am feeling pretty lousy. My OB decided this morning at my routine appt that she would treat me again with Tamiflu, but I just don't know how well it will work now that I'm having symptoms. Please pray that we all get well fast and that this little baby is well protected within me.
Monday, October 19, 2009
So 3 weeks ago when Joshua was sick the flu test was "inconclusive" in the office but we were told by our MD that he had all the symptoms and he was sure it was the flu. We treated him accordingly. The symptoms lasted a full 7 days as we were told they would. Then last night he started complaining of a sore throat, headache and spiked a temp to 102. Today's temp climbed to 103. Thinking, this can't be the flu again, we headed back to the dr. Flu and strep tests were done and the doc comes in and says, "Well, it's positive." I reply, "strep?" He says, "No, flu." Guess we really didn't have H1N1 3 weeks ago, just a bad virus, but definately have it now.
So now, I'm mad. I'm mad because I was treated with Tamiflu when my son didn't really have the flu and now that he definatley does, will I get the flu?? I'm mad because this weekend is my anniversary and my family was coming to take care of the boys over night so Gary and I could go away, but can't expect them to expose themselves to that. I'm mad because I'm missing more work and I'm still on orientation. Thankfully they are being very understanding about it. I'm mad, because this darn flu season is barely getting started, I've been exposed numerous times and can't get an H1N1 vaccine to save my life.
So, baby and I will go to the OB tomorrow for my 14 week appointment. I will beg, borrow, and steal a dose of H1N1 vaccine from anyone who will give it to me (even called my old employer hoping they could help). Please say some prayers since I don't worry so much about myself, but about my kids (born and unborn).
So now, I'm mad. I'm mad because I was treated with Tamiflu when my son didn't really have the flu and now that he definatley does, will I get the flu?? I'm mad because this weekend is my anniversary and my family was coming to take care of the boys over night so Gary and I could go away, but can't expect them to expose themselves to that. I'm mad because I'm missing more work and I'm still on orientation. Thankfully they are being very understanding about it. I'm mad, because this darn flu season is barely getting started, I've been exposed numerous times and can't get an H1N1 vaccine to save my life.
So, baby and I will go to the OB tomorrow for my 14 week appointment. I will beg, borrow, and steal a dose of H1N1 vaccine from anyone who will give it to me (even called my old employer hoping they could help). Please say some prayers since I don't worry so much about myself, but about my kids (born and unborn).
Monday, October 5, 2009
We're getting there
So, Joshua returned to school today after a full 7 days of fevers from his H1N1 flu and still has a few small blisters in his mouth. But he did eat 2 1/2 hot dogs for supper (I know, lazy mom) which is the most he's probably eaten in over a week. Guess he's feeling better.
I made an unscheduled visit to the ObGyn today (unrelated to the baby) and while I was there she said, "Wanna hear the baby while you're here?" Well, that's a silly question. Problem was, little stinker was totally hiding from her. Took her a good 5 minutes to find a heart beat and by the time she finally did, I think she almost had to kick start my heart! I was so scared. She said, "I wasn't worried, but I could sure tell you were!" I keep waiting for someone to say, "Oh yeah, you know that baby we told you you couldn't have that you are now having? We changed our minds, just kidding!" I was so scared for a brief moment but felt a huge sigh of relief once we heard the pitter patter of that little heart again. Go back in 2 weeks for my regular appointment and the little turkey better not play hide and seek this time!
I made an unscheduled visit to the ObGyn today (unrelated to the baby) and while I was there she said, "Wanna hear the baby while you're here?" Well, that's a silly question. Problem was, little stinker was totally hiding from her. Took her a good 5 minutes to find a heart beat and by the time she finally did, I think she almost had to kick start my heart! I was so scared. She said, "I wasn't worried, but I could sure tell you were!" I keep waiting for someone to say, "Oh yeah, you know that baby we told you you couldn't have that you are now having? We changed our minds, just kidding!" I was so scared for a brief moment but felt a huge sigh of relief once we heard the pitter patter of that little heart again. Go back in 2 weeks for my regular appointment and the little turkey better not play hide and seek this time!
Friday, October 2, 2009
H1N1 is in the house
Man, what a week it's been. Last Sunday morning, about 2am, Joshua woke me up and he had a fever. Temp of 103 found us in the dr office the next morning. Joshua was diagnosed with the H1N1 flu and sent home to be out of school for the week. I was quickly put on Tamiflu to protect me and the baby from becoming ill. Gary took Tuesday and Wednesday off work to stay home with Joshua and Zachary so that I could work my scheduled hours. Joshua is feeling better now and his temps aren't going above 100.5 anymore, but his mouth has broken out in blisters. He's miserable. His gums are swollen and painful and he has blisters on his lips. Took him back to the doctor yesterday and we were told that it's a viral reaction to the fevers he ran. We are using lidocaine jelly to numb up his mouth prior to eating, he lost 2 1/2 pounds in 3 days because he wasn't eating.
Gary did get a laugh out of Joshua when he told him that if his room wasn't such a pig sty, he wouldn't have gotten the swine flu! Ha ha daddy!!
Gary did get a laugh out of Joshua when he told him that if his room wasn't such a pig sty, he wouldn't have gotten the swine flu! Ha ha daddy!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Almost 11 weeks
I saw the doctor yesterday at 10 1/2 weeks gestation. She came in the room and promptly said, "Let's hear that baby." I agreed that I was anxious because when you can't feel movement it's so scary to wait from appt to appt to make sure everything is ok. She quickly found a good strong little heart beat, pounding away at 160 beats per minute. It was great to hear it again and to hear it at a more appropriate rate. The nurse in me just really didn't like that 118 I heard last time! :)
I've lost 2 1/2 pounds in the past month, but she wasn't concerned. She just encouraged me to keep doing my best with eating and it would all be good. She said everything looked good and she'd see me in 4 weeks and I was on my way home.
I've started my new job at Riley in the ER and I'm lovin it!! I can't even tell you how nice everyone has been to me and how welcoming. I've seen some trauma and some loss already but the majority of our patients aren't very sick when they come in. Do a little education and reassurance and they're on their way home. It's been really enjoyable (and crazy) so far. I'm orienting on the 11a-11p shift because that's what my preceptor works. It's not a bad shift (goes by fast) but stinks cause I don't see the kids on those days. It's been hard for the boys, but it's not forever.
I've lost 2 1/2 pounds in the past month, but she wasn't concerned. She just encouraged me to keep doing my best with eating and it would all be good. She said everything looked good and she'd see me in 4 weeks and I was on my way home.
I've started my new job at Riley in the ER and I'm lovin it!! I can't even tell you how nice everyone has been to me and how welcoming. I've seen some trauma and some loss already but the majority of our patients aren't very sick when they come in. Do a little education and reassurance and they're on their way home. It's been really enjoyable (and crazy) so far. I'm orienting on the 11a-11p shift because that's what my preceptor works. It's not a bad shift (goes by fast) but stinks cause I don't see the kids on those days. It's been hard for the boys, but it's not forever.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ahh, how life works!!
For those of you popping over from my weight loss blog, some of this info will look familiar. Gotta love the ability to cut and paste. When I logged on to post an update here about the pregnancy, I noticed the date of my last blog entry is April 19th, the new baby's due date! Too funny.
So here's the update on the new baby, coming in April:
Well, tomorrow we will be 7 weeks pregnant. Gary and I went to our ultrasound and first OB appt last Thursday. Although I was scared to death for the ultrasound to show everything was ok, I was thrilled to see a 6 week 3 day little bean with a strong beating heart. The heart rate was 118. When I expressed concern about it being too slow, both the ultrasound and the doctor assured me that the baby's heart has only been beating for about 3 days, so it will speed up quickly. "It's just getting revved up." Everything measured great, right on for how far along I thought I was.
The doctor assures me everything will be fine. She ordered gobs and gobs of labs (took 19 tubes in all). Continued to tell us what a miracle this little bean is and that she will get us through it safe and sound. My due date is April 19th, 2010. We laughed because both Joshua and Zachary were both on the 15th of the months that they were born in. The doc said, she could ensure this little one was born that day too.
So here's the update on the new baby, coming in April:
Well, tomorrow we will be 7 weeks pregnant. Gary and I went to our ultrasound and first OB appt last Thursday. Although I was scared to death for the ultrasound to show everything was ok, I was thrilled to see a 6 week 3 day little bean with a strong beating heart. The heart rate was 118. When I expressed concern about it being too slow, both the ultrasound and the doctor assured me that the baby's heart has only been beating for about 3 days, so it will speed up quickly. "It's just getting revved up." Everything measured great, right on for how far along I thought I was.
The doctor assures me everything will be fine. She ordered gobs and gobs of labs (took 19 tubes in all). Continued to tell us what a miracle this little bean is and that she will get us through it safe and sound. My due date is April 19th, 2010. We laughed because both Joshua and Zachary were both on the 15th of the months that they were born in. The doc said, she could ensure this little one was born that day too.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Whew, been a while
I've been told I don't blog enough on this site. I've been so busy since my surgery that I've neglected this blog and focused on my weight loss blog. But, Joshua and Zachary are another year older and thought you all might like some new pictures!
Joshua's proudly decorated Easter eggs.
Joshua riding the "horse" at the Children's Museum
Joshua's proudly decorated Easter eggs.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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