Thursday, January 10, 2008

How do you spell relief?

Dr. Razzouk! He was wonderful this morning with us. Assured us that this truly looks to be viral. He informed me that it can take weeks to months for Zachary's counts to come back up to normal (would have been nice if they'd told me that in the hospital). He said it can be caused by several viruses. 5th disease (which Joshua had on Christmas) or Mononucleosis (Zachary's been kissing the girls again!) are the two big ones! No need to test for either one of these right now because it won't change the treatment plan.

We are going to check frequent CBC's (did one in the office today and will do another next Thursday) to watch the counts. He said if it looks like they are just not coming up or are dropping, we may need to look at doing a bone marrow aspiration or further testing for viruses.

If he spikes a fever we have to go to the dr to get a CBC and be seen. If he starts looking very ill, to the hospital we go for antibiotics. Still keeping him out of public as much as possible for now, until his counts get higher. I have a new education on CBC's, calculating absolute neutrophil counts, and neutropenia that I didn't have prior to this appt. But all in all, I feel much relieved. Zachary even laid still for two pokes for blood (3 tubes) and didn't cry at all. What a trooper. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers.


Krista said... glad you got relieving news today...and that Kate could help you get it earlier...waiting is the worst!

Zachary has the best mom to understand all those blood're a strong'll do it!

Praying that the duldroms of winter don't get you down...maybe you can have a summer pool party in the bathtub...while you're kooped up at home!

Sending lots of hugs and love!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the good news. Still praying for all of you to have a great 2008.

Christy & Tyler Foley