Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Does it ever end? We just loss Rosie and now Sammy is creating chaos. She hurt her back (not sure how) and was crying really hard Monday night. Took her to the vet Tue am and they found on xrays some disc degeneration in her mid-low back. So she got major steroids and is basically on "bedrest." Someone please tell me how you keep a busy 4 year old dog quiet. I'll tell you how, you sit with her constantly. No stairs, no jumping, no running, etc. The boys and I are headed to Fort Wayne on Wednesday. This means, daddy is taking Thursday off of work, because someone has to stay home with the baby (Sammy).

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers and pray for a quick healing and no pain for our little girl. Can this family have any more fun? Joshua's statement was, "Things are never easy for the Hess family, are they mom?" So true.

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