Monday, October 19, 2009


So 3 weeks ago when Joshua was sick the flu test was "inconclusive" in the office but we were told by our MD that he had all the symptoms and he was sure it was the flu. We treated him accordingly. The symptoms lasted a full 7 days as we were told they would. Then last night he started complaining of a sore throat, headache and spiked a temp to 102. Today's temp climbed to 103. Thinking, this can't be the flu again, we headed back to the dr. Flu and strep tests were done and the doc comes in and says, "Well, it's positive." I reply, "strep?" He says, "No, flu." Guess we really didn't have H1N1 3 weeks ago, just a bad virus, but definately have it now.

So now, I'm mad. I'm mad because I was treated with Tamiflu when my son didn't really have the flu and now that he definatley does, will I get the flu?? I'm mad because this weekend is my anniversary and my family was coming to take care of the boys over night so Gary and I could go away, but can't expect them to expose themselves to that. I'm mad because I'm missing more work and I'm still on orientation. Thankfully they are being very understanding about it. I'm mad, because this darn flu season is barely getting started, I've been exposed numerous times and can't get an H1N1 vaccine to save my life.

So, baby and I will go to the OB tomorrow for my 14 week appointment. I will beg, borrow, and steal a dose of H1N1 vaccine from anyone who will give it to me (even called my old employer hoping they could help). Please say some prayers since I don't worry so much about myself, but about my kids (born and unborn).

1 comment:

my life: said...

Melissa...I am SO sorry! Can you come get it at our clinic? The wait is around 5 hours...but I hear people are getting it. :0/

You don't stress about are such a strong person, I'm sorry this is happening. :0(

As I am spending my time on the sofa or in bed *still trying to get over whatever I had* I will be remembering you and yours in my prayers! Hang in there friend!