Monday, October 29, 2007

ER fun after working all night

Well, Zachary continued to not do well as the week went on. We were back in the dr office on Friday to discover that not only was his throat red, it was now very swollen, getting worse from Wednesday's appt. We started on Steroids. He continued to choke and cough a lot because of his throat. His paranoid, knows too much mom, panicked and took him to the er on Saturday morning after working all night because I just felt as though we were not making any progress. My fear was that he had an abcess in his throat and it might occlude his airway (yes, I know, I know too much!). The ER doc said his throat didn't look too bad and I got a peek at it too, the swelling had decreased. We did do some xrays to ensure he hadn't choked on anything (toy, dirt, etc) that was causing his coughing. Luckily, the xray was clear and we went home. He seems to be feeling better now, except for a continual cough, especially at night. Please keep him in your prayers that he will get back to his old ornery self!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Who knew that this parenting thing would be so full of "excitement" So sorry you are battling illness after illness...I know those all night long coughs are the worse..especially on mommy who is trying to sleep..but can't with every waking cough! Praying for a great week of recovery!