Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ambulance Adventures

Well, I've been in the back of an ambulance numerous times as the nurse, this time I was honored as the patient. Yesterday afternoon, I stopped and picked up Chinese for lunch on my way home from Target. I got home and started eating it. It did not taste as good as it usually does. About 2 hours later, I was violently ill. After 6 1/2 hours of not getting out of the bathroom, I found myself laying on my bathroom floor unable to get up. I was so dehydrated that everytime I tried to get up, I almost passed out. Gary called 911 and the wonderful Danville Fire Department came and got me. After 3 liters of normal saline, a dose of nausea medicine and a dose of diarrhea medicine, I came home feeling like a new person! So I have a greater understanding of being the patient today and what it's like to ride backwards in a fast moving ambulance! ;o)

1 comment:

Krista said...

Oh my gosh girl...your life is getting way too better slow down a bit! YUCK...guess I won't be ordering Chinese anytime too soon!

Thanks for the are too sweet and generous. Hope the rest of your week goes smoothly and EVERYONE stays healthy...miss you guys at St. V.