Saturday, March 22, 2008

A sad day for our family

One of our beloved dogs, Rosie, passed away this morning. She has been ill for several years and we have done everything we felt we could do, including surgery and medication on a daily basis. We found out yesterday that she was in complete liver failure and that we might have been able to buy her some time, but it was inevitable. So we made a very difficult decision and put her to sleep so that she was no longer in pain or suffering. Gary and I were with her and I held her. It was so peaceful and our vet staff was wonderful. We now begin our new life with just Sammy (who is doing her own mourning). Sammy has never known life without Rosie. Joshua, though mourning also, is glad to know that she is in heaven and doesn't hurt anymore or have to take anymore medicine. Please keep us all in your prayers as we mourn the loss of a loving family member.

1 comment:

Krista said...

So sorry to hear about your dog..but glad she went peacefully. That is such a blessing! What great owners to go to such lengths to keep her going!

Hoping you had a great Easter!