Monday, March 3, 2008

Doctor day for Zachary

We started our Monday morning out with 2 back to back doctor appointments. The first was to see the lung doctor, Dr. Sufi. Because Zachary has had a cold and cough, I was looking forward to this appointment. Dr. Sufi said that Zachary's lungs sounded "junky". Thinks it is most likely viral on how everything looked. He does want us to add albuterol treatments back into the daily medication grind in addition to the pulmicort treatments that we already do, but just til the congestion is better.

The next visit was with the ENT, Dr. Trigg. This was a follow up from the recent ear infection Zachary had and the continued inflammation that Dr. Trigg saw 2 weeks ago. He saw today that the right tube (the ear infection side) is coming out. He's not sure if it is due to junk being behind the tube and pushing on it or if it is just falling out. He wants to see us back in August which will be one year from the time that the tubes were placed. He is hoping that Zachary will do fine, even if the tube falls out. But if it appears he is having more trouble or having more infections, we may have to think about another surgery for new tubes. Oh fun!

We are looking forward to Zachary's first birthday party this weekend! Stay tuned for all the fun details. Hard to believe our baby is 1!!

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