Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mondays the day

Well, just typed this out then it did not post. So I'm going to try it again. After all the issues Thursday night, we saw our Dr on Friday. I discussed my concerns and he agreed that we need to start getting aggressive about Zachary. He spoke with our GI doc who agreed and ordered an overnight sleep study. So on Monday we will be admitted to the peds floor at St. V's and be wired for sound for the sleep study. Hopefully it will show if he is refluxing at night and if the reflux is causing oxygen sat drops, heart rate drops, or apnea. If it is, we will get a game plan on what type of more aggressive treatment is needed. If he seems to be tolerating everything that is happening, then we will wait it out and hope he outgrows the reflux soon. Keep us in your thoughts!

1 comment:

Krista said...

Wow...your little Zachary is giving you fits! So sorry you have to spend a night in the hospital...too bad it wasn't last week as we could have bonded as our little ones slept! Are Zachary and Kate going to be Nissan buddies? I sure hope not...praying that they can find the reason for Z's fussiness, etc. I will definitely be thinking of you...lots of love and prayers...thanks for chatting at 3am...what a great resource you are for my midnight panics!