Friday, November 16, 2007

Mr. Zachary

He seems to be a high maintenance kid. He was sick 3-4 weeks ago and we ended up in the ER because of a badly swollen throat that caused him to choke on his own saliva. Well, we were at the GI dr yesterday, just for a check up, and his throat is again very swollen. The nurse practitioner was shocked how swollen it was because of how little he is. I was not surprised to hear it because he has again began having bad choking spells, turned a little blue on me the other day. The nurse practitioner believes it's his reflux (too bad I thought he was beginning to outgrow it) causing irritation and swelling. She started him on a steroid inhaler that I have to spray on his tongue and he will swallow. I am calling our family dr this morning though because he is not sleeping well, appears to maybe be having some apnea due to the swelling. I don't know how long we can wait this out for safety sake. I worry about him at night, but I spend half his night with him, so I guess I'm not too far away. ;o) Will post after the appt.

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