Sunday, January 6, 2008

Runny nose and cough??

Zachary woke up yesterday with a runny nose and congested cough. I of course panicked. Called the dr and luckily our dr was on call. He assured me that the hematologist felt like Zachary was out of the woods for picking up a bug that would really make him sick. His counts were high enough that they felt he would be safe. Now that doesn't mean we can take him to the children's museum or the grocery, but he should be safe here at home. That gave me a big sigh of relief. Our dr also went ahead and gave me his cell number since he was not on call all weekend. He wanted to be available to us in case Zachary did begin running a fever. Can we just say how much we love him!

Zachary is playful and happy. He makes us laugh constantly. We are so blessed by our two wonderful boys!


Anonymous said...

See you got it figured out. Great! Hope you get lots of comments, I know they mean so much to Krista. Not to be bossy, but you might want to let your blog readers know that they can not leave comments anonymously.
Hope before long Zachary can go out and about.
Judy K

Anonymous said...

Whoops, I meant readers can NOW leave comments, not NOT leave comments.
Judy again