Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another trip to the doctor

Joshua has been telling me for 3 days that his throat hurt. Kept looking at it and it looked fine. He didn't have a fever so off to school he went. After all, it was ISTEP week. Today he comes home from school and said, "Mom I feel really hot." Boy did he. Temp was 101. Called the doc and took him in. By the time we got to the office, temp was 102.9. Throat, ears, lungs all look fine. "Summer flu" was the official diagnosis. But because it is the weekend coming our wonderful doc gave us a prescription for an antibiotic if he isn't better in a few days.

Poor kid felt so bad he fell asleep on the table in the dr office (and we didn't wait that long). Well he's had motrin 2 hours ago and his temp has gone up to 103.1. Poor guy. Laying upstairs on the chair with a cool cloth watching cartoons. Pray for quick recovery because Sunday is his Boy Scout cookout to meet all the families.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Don't feel so bad. I told my ds to get back into the soccer game when he was complaining about his wrist. Turns out it's broken. He has a cast almost up to his shoulder.

For this (see: Eating Crow) and other stories of my "perfect" parenting, check out my blog!

Hope your son is feeling better soon.