Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fun times!!

Took Zachary to the doctor for his 18 month appointment today. He weighs 29.4 pounds and is 32 inches tall. This puts him in the 75th percentile for both. It's funny because at his one year appt he weighed 28.8 pounds. Hasn't gained much weight in 6 months, but is growing like a weed! The dr couldn't find any cause for his fevers, so we will continue to chalk it up to the teeth.

The fun (I'm being sarcastic) news is that Zachary's right testicle has not descended. So now we will go see the urologist to see if surgery is needed. Dear Lord help me. I know things could be so much worse, but I'm sick of specialists!

1 comment:

my life: said...

I hear ya girly!! :0)